10 Scary Things Recently Caught In Playgrounds! If you're new, Subscribe! → http://goo.gl/djmfuX Fact File is the #1 place for all your heart warming stories about amazing people that will inspire you everyday. Make sure to subscribe and never miss a single video! #viral #amazing #FactFile #animals Playgrounds are supposed to be fun, right After all, it’s a place designed specifically for children. It’s where we expect them to slide on slippery dips, sit on see-saws, and go wheee! It’s not a place we expect to find bad vibes that will give us the creeps. But then again, we’ve just uncovered some things found on playgrounds that will send extreme shivers down your spine, especially if you’re a parent. Some of those things are creepy. Others are terrifying and some of them combine the definition of both. Find out with the top 10 scary things recently caught in playgrounds. Number 10: The Ghost Swing Foremost of the creepy things you expect to find on this list will include abandoned toys and rickety statues. But we’ll save those for later and start with one of the spookiest. This video shows a swing erected as a side attraction on a playground. We don’t know about you, but that’s the first thing many would like to check out when they visited playgrounds as kids. And that’s what this man named Scott Denton in this video was trying to do when he brought his kids to a playground somewhere in Rhode Island. When the family got there, the weather wasn’t exactly looking good. So, they decided to wait it out a bit in their car. But then, they saw something very odd and scary at the same time; one of the swings began to move by itself. Now, we know the weather was bad, could it be the wind Good explanation but do you notice that the other swings were relatively motionless Whatever that was, it was no wind. We can only hope for the best. Number 9: The Blair Witch Playground The Blair witch playground is located in the Santa Fe Province of Argentina. And there’s a particular spot on that playground that might just provide a basis for what happened in our first entry on Rhode Island. So, let’s move a bit back in time to 2007. On that day, everyone, including parents and their wards, was out to catch fun on this particular playground. Enjoyment was in the air and almost everybody was having a good time until all of a sudden, this swing began to move back and forth all by itself. At first, everyone thought the creepy motion of the swing was just because of a brisk wind. But then, the other swings in the set weren’t moving, just like it happened on Rhode Island. Is this evidence of witchcraft or just the ghost of a child who got caught within the vortex of this life and the next Was she seeking a place to spend the afternoon Everyone was spooked. So they called the police who later invited paranormal experts to the scene. Still, only the dawn of tomorrow would help us solve the mystery. Number 8: The Shadow Person In this clip, we see a young woman sitting on a bench in a playground. The video’s a little bit grainy so you might not see it first. But she was probably out there to enjoy the warm sunshine shining in the background. Beside her was also a book and a bottle of water. Someone seemed to have taken an interest in her solitude. So they must have begun to film her and everything around her. The camera pans around the playground, but there’s nothing interesting to see aside from the play equipment. So they returned to filming the woman. Only that this time, she wasn’t alone anymore. The wider view exposed to us a shadow, clear as day, at the bottom of the ladder. We know that’s random but the problem is that we can’t see the shadow caster anywhere in sight. While you might be quick to point out that the owner must have been atop the ladder, if you look closely, the angle of the shadow didn’t flow along with those of other objects in the video. Did a paranormal vibe strike you there Number 7: The Rake Beast This video was captured somewhere in Mexico way back in August of 2016. Despite being that long ago, it still gives many people the creeps. Well… why shouldn’t it It was reportedly captured in a playground and then posted to a Youtube channel with more than a million subscribers. In the video, we see a creature standing atop a fort. At first, the creature appeared to be a fox or a cat. But at some point, it turned back and spotted the person with the camera. All of a sudden, you can see its glowing eyes. Afterwards, it leaps from the fort and goes into oblivion. As at 2016 when the video first appeared on the internet, it sparkled a hot debate that divided the paranormal community full of believers and skeptics alike. Many voted that the creature was genuine, suggesting that it must have been an alien or a mythical creature called the rake beast. Others, of course, were way more skeptical, claiming the video looks edited.
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