Sometimes humans and animals form such a special bond that it’s difficult to say goodbye. You better grab a tissue because these stories will surely make you cry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The final mission This is the story of two heroes who worked hard every day to fight crime. A neighing cry The love of a horse is so great it can stay by you side till the end. The last wish Animals treasure those who have always been there for them. An example is this giraffe, who offered all its love to the man who cared for it when it last saw him. An innocent farewell A pet’s death is always difficult to face, but when it happens as a child, you’re overwhelmed by your feelings. Eternal loyalty Remember the story of Hachiko, the dog whose loyalty went beyond his master's death Well, there’s a cat version. A smile before leaving No distance that can break apart a true friendship, like Lisa and her beloved horse Jake, who came from afar to say goodbye. Goodbye, Jaden When you’re little, there are things hard to understand, but that must be faced no matter how painful they are, as Lynn did. Take my hand Nothing sadder than having to say goodbye to the friend who was by your side for years, but even at those times, they’re there for you. Farewell in the hospital When Ryan met Molly, it was love at first sight. He was walking near a cemetery in Sutter, California when he saw a small stray Boxer. I’ll never forget you The love dogs have for humans is unmatchable and can be seen even when their beloved one is no longer by their side. Remember that in these difficult times it is the moment to prevent and follow the recommendations so #StayHome and have fun #WithMe. About Us: Trend Max is an education and entertainment channel dedicated to creating interesting Tops, Lists and more. Do not miss a single video SUBSCRIBE NOW. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Us: Facebook : https://goo.gl/cfALte Google+ : https://goo.gl/5yNJ3r Twitter : https://goo.gl/c8jgEB Instagram : https://goo.gl/QP5sP7
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