Meet the 10 most dangerous dogs in the world, which due to their great ferocity even require strict permits and they are even banned in some countries. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ROTTWEILER -PITBULL -AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER -BOERBOEL -PRESA CANARIO DOG -GERMAN SHEPHERD -BULL TERRIER -ARGENTINIAN DOGO -FILA BRASILERO OR BRAZILIAN MASTIFF -TOSA INU It is important to know that the aggressiveness of these dogs will depend a lot on the breeding they have. If you know how to educate them, they can become very loving and docile. #dogs #dangerous #trendmax --------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Us: Trend Max is an education and entertainment channel dedicated to creating interesting Tops and Lists . Do not miss a single video SUBSCRIBE NOW. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Us: Facebook: https://goo.gl/cfALte Google+ : https://goo.gl/5yNJ3r
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